Bharat Medical TechnologyHydrophobic Intra Ocular Lens

VISIONEX- Hydrophobic Intra Ocular Lens

VISIONEX- Hydrophobic Intra Ocular Lens has following features:

  • Highly bio-compitible and UV absorbing material
  • High resolution and precise diopter
  • Optimised center thickness.
  • 360 degree square edge to prevent PCO
  • Remain flexible even at low temperature.
  • Unfolding is smooth and predictable
  • Reduce chromatic aberration
  • Optically designed to compansate SA to naturally available in majority human eyes.
  • Emulate result of the young natural eye.
  • Provide enhaced depth, focus & contrast sensitivity.
  • comes with ISKATE IOL Delivery system for super smooth delivery
  • Available in ACCUSKATE pre loaded system also.

    Available models

  • Mod C haptic - clear
  • Mod C haptic - Yellow

    Intraocular lenses (IOLs) are artificial lenses that are used to correct vision problems and replace a diseased or cloudy natural lens in the eye during Cataract surgery.


  • Do not reuse
  • Store in dry place
  • Store away from sun-light
  • T <20°c /68°F